My Scales Are Wrong!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday 11 December 2011

Excuses, excuses, excuses!

Aren't we full of excuses sometimes? I am ashamed to admit that I haven't worked out properly in about two weeks. First I got a corked thigh at taekwon-do, basically I copped a guy's heel directly into my thigh muscle causing deep tissue bruising and forcing me to limp around for a few days, then at the beginning of last week I was feel blah so I didn't work out. That "blah" turned in to a gastro type virus that ended up with me laid up in bed feeling sorry for myself.

So no workouts. Which wouldn't have been so bad if my eating was good. But it wasn't. I was sick and barely keeping anything down so when I did eat, I went to my comfort foods. I had a few good meals in there but I wasn't really feeling up to cooking, I only cooked two nights last week and the rest of the meals were not so fantastic.

The good news is that I weighed myself and I've actually managed to lose 100 grams so the bad diet doesn't seem to have affected me too much in the weight loss arena but I do know that I'm at a "tipping point" if you will. If I don't jump straight back on the horse now, I might never get back on it. So I'm pledging to get up tomorrow morning and work out. I'm going to start back at the last week I worked out so tomorrow will be Day 43...again. It sucks because this week was supposed to be Day 60!

Oh the end of the day, this isn't just a 90 Day thing anyway, it's a rest of my life thing. :D

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