My Scales Are Wrong!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday 5 May 2012

Power 90 W1D6 Day 6 Rest Day

86.9 kgs
Loss from last week:
1.4 kgs
Total weight loss:
So today was weigh-in day and I've lost 1.4kgs since Moday which I'm very happy about. Unfortunately I was suffering from The World's Worst Cramps™ so I stayed in bed doped up on Mersyndol and cuddling my hot water bottle which meant no P90 today for me. I'm feeling much better now, though, so the plan is to make it up tomorrow.
On the emotional front, I was talking to my 17 year old cousin tonight about my miscarriage. How is it that everything she said was the perfect response when grown women can get it so badly? I cannot be more grateful for her support and there have been very few people who have handled discussing my miscarriage with me as well as she did tonight.
This is a perfect example of why I'm so open about my miscarriage, though. At 17 she and her friends or sister haven't yet started trying for babies but chances are that in the future one of them will have a miscarriage or know someone who has one. If, heaven forbid, it's her then she'll know that I'm there to support her and know what she's going through.
I've been amazed by the amount of people that have told me that they've had a miscarriage when I had no idea. I can't imagine suffering this in silence, even on those occasions where you have a conversation with someone and they get every response "wrong", it's still comforting to know that at least they're trying to be supportive.
I am definitely feeling better. I think I just don't handle the two week wait very well! I've decided that I'm going to leave Facebook next Saturday, though. I know for certain that I will not be able to handle all the Mother's Day updates. :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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