My Scales Are Wrong!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday 31 October 2011

Power 90 W3D1 Day 15 Sculpt 1-2

Day 15 is finito and a great start to week three! My husband joined me today which was great! I even managed to do most of the push-ups from my toes! I slept in this morning because I went to see Arj Barker last night so got to bed late, so we worked out after work. I do not want to make that a habit because I could so easily have skipped it. It's great having the accountability to people because I don't want to have to come here and admit I missed a day. Plus I'm already finding that I enjoy working out...or, not that I enjoy working out so much but I enjoy how I feel after I've worked out.

I'm halfway to my 30 day pictures, I'm really looking forward to it and I want to see some of the changes that I know are happening and those changes will only become more apparent as each 30 day period passes. I've heard that the last 30 days is where the magic happens, personally I've never gotten there lol! My husband did Sculpt 1-2 with me today and when Tony said something like "this is the first phase 1-2" he said to me "you've never actually made it on to 3-4, have you?"...little git! It's sad because it's true. :P

Tonight we had my "go to" dinner of chicken and broccoli, snow peas, beans and carrots. All steamed with a cheese sauce (don't stress, the cheese was a total 100g of Philadelphia cream cheese). It made seven serves, two we ate tonight, two in the fridge for lunch tomorrow and three in the freezer for future meals when I don't feel like cooking. I cannot even tell you how much I love my Thermomix, I realised today that our freezer is so full of meals that I'm going to be forced not to cook anything or cook a minimal amount next week, what a shame... ;)

Anyway, must finish this and get some sleep. I need an early night tonight so I can get up in the morning and workout.

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