My Scales Are Wrong!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Power 90 W3D3 Day 17 Sculpt 1-2

Today's workout is done and I'm actually kind of shaky. Sometimes I think about increasing my weights but then I think "are you crazy?!?!?!?". I'm pretty sure I could go heavier weights but I'm not 100% sure, I do think I'll increase for bicep curls and lawnmower at least next week. I'll see how I go.

I always say, the hardest part is pushing play! If you can just do that, then mostly the workouts will be okay and a crap workout is still better than no workout at all! I sent in the forms to get my Bodybugg subscription going again, I want to know 100% how many calories I'm burning during these workouts. I also ordered Shakeology off eBay last week, it still hasn't arrived but hopefully it will get here soon. I'll be using that as a substitute for my morning breakfast. I went to a Thermomix demonstration last night so my diet wasn't 100% perfect, I ate way more carbs than I would like. I know that my diet is never going to be 100% clean and yeah, there are going to be some days that just end up like poop but as long as they're in the minority and most of the time I'm eating well, I can't beat myself up for having some slip ups.

If I just keep pushing play, I'll be fine.

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