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Sunday 27 November 2011

Power 90 W6D7 Day 42 Kayaking

Our taekwon-do was cancelled this week which freed up our Sunday. Yesterday my husband had gone for a kayak together, it was all well and good heading down the canals with the wind and the tide to our backs but paddling back was...well...a b!tch. I was soooo sore afterwards but when were asked if we wanted to go back out again today, we stupidly said yes. Off we paddled and this time we did the big circle around to get back to the house. Firstly...we were kayaking with the tide to begin with but when we got out to the Estuary, we were against the wind and it was haaaaaard. I can't even tell you how slowly I was going (everyone had to keep stopping and waiting for me), eventually we made it back to the canal and got back home, then enjoyed the hot tub for awhile to ease our aching muscles!

Up side? Lots of exercise. Down side? Both my husband and I look like lobsters, we are soooo sunburnt. All down my arms and my legs from my upper thighs down to my feet, the back of my neck and the lower half of my face (I was wearing sunglasses and a hat). I'm so unhappy with myself because I'm very pale and normally take great care not to get sunburnt after years of getting burnt every summer when I was younger. I'm also just generally unhappy because I hurt all over!

My eating has also been fairly terrible these last two days. Well, actually, it started Friday when I was supposed to take my husband out to dinner for his birthday, we got home from taekwon-do a bit later than expected and I call the restaurant only to find their kitchen closes at 8pm and that was the latest booking...pssssh. So we ended up getting pizza and watching a show together. We both felt like crap afterwards. Then Saturday we went down South and stayed with the in-laws, great food but a bit more carb-heavy than I would've liked. I also drank Pepsi cans they had down there and in hindsight I should've stuck to water! Today we started out with a cooked breakfast down there, then I headed up to my cousin's little girl's first birthday party and they had a barbecue. The food was great but again, it was a barbecue so it was a bit greasy and I probably had too much of THE BEST POTATO SALAD EVER.

Still, I'm not going to beat myself up about it because I had a great weekend with family and friends. I wouldn't change it for the world. Oh, I almost forgot! I woke up today at 4:20am (you know how it is when you're sleeping in a strange bed) and about 4:40am, I got a text from a friend over East saying "OMG I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!". This girl has been on IVF for a few months now, so I was super happy for her. I'd been reading an ebook on my phone at the time and saw the message come through, before I could even reply it was swiftly followed by an "OMG YOU'RE THREE HOURS BEHIND!!!!!!!". I just wanted to acknowledge here that as much as I enjoyed everything else that happened yesterday and had the BEST time last night talking to Kersty and Bec and everyone else at the party, this remained the best part of my day. I'm so happy for her because I've watched her struggle first with trying to get pregnant, then finding out she needed IVF and then three failed cycles before this one. I won't name her but I know she reads this blog and so I wanted to write this for her just so she knows how happy we all are for her. *hugs*

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