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LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday 5 November 2011

Power 90 W3D5 Day 19 Sculpt 1-2

Gah! I actually missed a day of posting! I'm doing NaNoWriMo and I'm 16,008 words into my novel so you can see where all my daily writing has disappeared to! :P

Yesterday's was a good workout. I'm still using the same weights but I don't feel ready to move up just yet, maybe next week. I'm so proud of my husband, he worked out every day this week and when he gets up we'll do today's Sweat workout which will complete his first week! Of course, I'm just making him do Power 90 so he can get all buff and look like Tony Horton...or Chris Hemsworth. Just kidding lol! He says he does want to have a great body and feel good about himself, hey, isn't that why anyone tries to lose weight or takes up an exercise regime? It's so much easier working out with a partner, I've found. When you get up in the morning, there's no excuses because someone else has gotten up at stupid o'clock with you to train so you have to bring it!

In other news, my Bodybugg subscription was activated yesterday so I can use my Bodybugg again! Sadly I found out when I was already at work so I wasn't able to wear it for my morning workout or at taekwon-do so I can't tell you how many calories I burnt at either activity but when I come back for Sweat 1-2, I'll let you know how many calories I burnt. Ohhhhh, another thing! I talked to my taekwon-do instructor and on Wednesday, we're doing the Beachbody Fitness Test as part of class so I can record everyone's results for my black belt thesis. :D

Phew, what a long post! I should try not to skip posting daily so I don't have so much to blag on about! :P

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