My Scales Are Wrong!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday 15 September 2011

How do I love chocolate? Let me count the ways.

So today was possibly harder than yesterday. To explain, let me insert here an email I sent to my friend during the day today.

Subject: I still want chocolate...

...I'm going to mention that to her on Tuesday so she can work that into our next session. I mean, obviously what she did is working because I haven't eaten any but I am, you know...craving it big time. I want to eat chocolate with every fibre of my being but I also don't want to eat it. There are these charity chocolates in the lunchroom and for the last couple of weeks I've been buying them on a daily basis. There are packets of Maltesers, M&Ms and Mars Bars. Right now there's Mars Bars and Maltesers in there (I finally caved and peeked earlier). Unfortunately, they're right by the water fountain where I fill up my water bottle so I walk past them ALL THE TIME! Every time I walk past, I think "I could put that on my food diary, nobody would begrudge me a Mars Bar, right?" but then I think "you'll feel totally crap and you don't REALLY want it" and walk away.

If you look at my food and exercise diary, you'll see that I didn't eat the chocolate (hooray!) but it was hard. I think this is just something that I will need to get used to. We're creating new habits and breaking the old ones was never going to be an easy task. Subway again for dinner tonight, I need to go food shopping badly, I'll do that on Saturday. I've taken chicken out to make apricot chicken risotto tomorrow night. It should be good.

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