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Saturday 17 September 2011

A slip but not a complete tumble off the wagon

Today started so well! We got up before 7am and went for a 10km bike ride which was great. Then I came home and had breakfast with the minor indulgence of a piece of buttered toast. Sorbet for my morning snack which admittedly wasn't fantastic but I didn't feel too guilty about it. Had a container of apricot chicken risotto for lunch and planned the week's meals and added everything we need to our shopping list. We went shopping and got the food, nothing bad even sneaked into our trolley!

When we got home, though, my husband had a headache and went to bed. Well, instead of making dinner for the both of us as I would have, I fried up some bacon and pineapple (surprisingly yummy, the pineapple juice caramelises in the pan) and had that for dinner. Later on I ate my way through a packet of brandied baskets and now I feel...I don't know...not guilty, per sé but certainly not fantastic. I knew the weekend would be hard but I just didn't expect myself to chow down like that.

That being said, it's a process, I've learnt from it. My first mistake was not having an afternoon snack which meant I was more likely to have cravings for bad foods. I also didn't drink enough water today, it's surprising how much easier it is to drink water when it's sitting in front of you within arm's reach at your work desk all day! I think the important thing is to continue on with what I've been doing. Honestly, that's why I've come to write this blog because I had been considering adding a container of lasagna to today's food and exercise diary! Now I know that I am strong enough to avoid it.

Tomorrow I'm going out for lunch for my uncle's birthday. We're going to a pub so it's going to be "pub food". Pray for me. Pray that I have the strength to order something decent out of what will probably be a very limited selection of food. I'm just hoping that one of the choices is some sort of grilled chicken and salad!

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