My Scales Are Wrong!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday 13 September 2011


As I write my first post on this blog, I am heading home from work on the way to my first hypnotherapy appointment. I should explain, I'm currently about 25kgs (around 50lbs) overweight. I know how to lose weight, I do, I've even done it in the past. I need to eat healthy and exercise.

I'm failing at both.

After years of dieting sporadically, losing weight just as sporadically and generally hating myself, I've decided that enough is enough. Now maybe you're thinking that I should just be a big girl (errrr, not literally!) and get myself some bloody willpower and you're probably right but at this point if there's something that will help me to get on track, I'll do it! I want to get my mind on board with my body. I know that it will still involve hard work but if it's even a tiny bit easier then that'll be great!

I researched hypnotherapy before committing to this and I've heard quite a lot of positive feedback from people who have used it to cut back on sweets and quit smoking. Even so, it took me awhile before I had the nerve to actually call and book an appointment last week! I haven't told many people about it either because I've tried so many things in the past to lose weight that I don't want to have any pressure on me about whether it does or doesn't work. Since booking the appointment I've been eagerly awaiting today and, I'll admit, scoffing my face as much as I can since hopefully I won't be eating as much crap in the future.

Is that bad? I know it is but I couldn't help myself, I'm an emotional eater, I'm also a bored eater, an amused eater, a sleepy eater and a full of energy eater! I mean, I don't think about food that often, only when I'm awake...and sometimes when I'm dreaming!

When it comes to exercising off the excess calories I intake, I'm slightly lax as well. I do taekwon-do twice a week (I just graded to blue belt and need to increase this to three times a week) and recently my husband and myself have started riding our bikes after work...okay...I've done this once so far!

I've tried so many exercise regimes on the past, you wouldn't believe it. Or maybe you would? I think the longest I kept one going was about three weeks before it all became "too hard basket" and I gave up.

Anyway, I've almost reached my train station so I'd better wrap this up. I'll update later with my impressions of the first appointment.

I'm going to do a food diary each day as well but I'll keep that in a separate entry. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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